I've mentioned before how sometimes I search other people's blogs to see what people are writing about, and kinda fill up the old noggin' full of ideas for my own blog (it's not plagiarism if you've never read the original). You know what I keep seeing??? Lame blogs that have no content except for a few pictures of adorable animals.
Now, normally I'd be fine with this, after all, a blog featuring a Shnoodle can't really compare to my literary prowess - but when you take a closer look, it appears that these lame ass blogs actually have more followers than I do. Now, said it before, but clearly I have to say it again... I need affirmation in pretty much everything I do. It's clearly not enough for me to know that I'm a funny mofo, I need vast amounts of followers up on this site for me to be happy with posts.
So, yeah, at this point - I'm just saying "f*#k it". If cute animals are what the people want, then cute animals are what the people will get.

I figure if someone with absolutely zero writing capability can get 35 followers just by posting a few pictures of the cast of 'Homeward Bound' - then I can surely add some people to my blog by posting these pictures. And you know what? I'm not even ashamed that I'm stooping to this level. This blogging business is a cutthroat industry, if I'm not posting pictures of snuggly puppies, and tiny felines - someone else will.
- Jack Asher