I really love the writing process. I enjoy the challenge of coming up with interesting ideas to write about, and most of all, I really love writing it all down and hearing people tell me that they actually find my posts to be funny.
However, not every post needs to go through this creative process. In fact, this story didn’t take any creativity at all on my part – cause it all happened just this afternoon.
Most of you don’t know this, but I have a new boss. He started about three weeks ago, he's our new Director of Inside Sales. So far, no one on the team really likes him. Come to think of it, I think I’m the only one that can stand the guy.
I think he’s just too “corporate” for everyone else. I work at a fairly small company, and up to this point, no one on the team really knew what it’s like to be micro managed, and with this new guy on board, it’s a big change for them.
Today, as I was placing calls to prospective clients, and leaving voice messages for some, this new boss comes up to me and asks if I have a second to talk. I say sure. The following conversation ensued:
Boss: You know, Jack, I’ve been listening to the messages you’ve been leaving for your prospects, and I think I have something that might help you out a bit.
Jack: Sure, anything to help.
Boss: Well, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this or not during your phone conversations, but your last name is kinda hard to pronounce.
Jack: Haha (laughs uncomfortably), yeah, it’s a mouthful.
Boss: Well, here’s a suggestion, and you certainly don’t have to do this, I just think it might help… What you could do is change your last name to something easier for people to understand. I mean, you don’t necessarily have to change it outside of work, but maybe you could just change it for work purposes alone.
Jack: Ummmm, but my email address has my last name in it.
Boss: Oh, that’s not a problem… I can talk to the tech guys and have them replace your last name with an easier last name.
Jack: Yeah, Umm, I’ll think about it.
Just so you, my readers, fully understand... This guy was absolutely, 217% not joking. He was recommending that I use a fake last name so that when I leave messages for prospects, they won’t have to replay their messages to understand my last name.
Now, luckily for this guy… I totally see the humor in this situation. My only regret is that all I could think to come up with was “Yeah, Ummm, I’ll think about it”. Sometimes in life, you really need a do over. If I had one, here are a few lines that would have come in handy...
“You know – I’ve always liked the last name Mehoff”
“Good thing I’m not doing face-to-face sales – I can’t afford a nose job”
“Sounds great! By the way, can you point me to the HR department?”
And now, here's another bit of wisdom from yet another brilliant leader:
- Jack Asher
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I am dying right now!