I had a sit-down with my boss the other day, and he asked me if I’d like to take on a new territory. Because of the way my bonuses work, the larger the territory I cover, the more opportunity I have to make boatloads of money (something I haven’t done yet, but I’m working hard on – in between blogs, that is). So, of course I jump to say yes before I find out anything about it.
Turns out this new territory is India. Not to be confused with Indiana, I’m talking about the friggin’ country of India - where Indians, not to be confused with Native American’s, reside.
Now, there are a couple of slight problems that come along with this new territory. The first of which being that my boss wants me in the office at 6AM at least three days a week to make calls to these executives in India, where it’ll be approximately 4:30PM. Whatever - I can deal with getting up early, and it means that I can leave a bit early too, which will spare me a couple hours of listening to the middle-aged coworkers that act as a nagging surround-sound.
The other problem I didn’t think about until just yesterday, when I spoke to the account executive I’ll be working with who’s stationed in India, whose name is Neeraj. I could barely understand one word this guy was saying. I was expecting an accent on par with Apu’s from the Simpsons… who would have thought that a reliable source of knowledge like the Simpsons could have been so far off? This accent was something else, and it just made me realize that if I can’t understand what the guy I’m working with is saying, how the hell am I going to understand what the prospects are telling me? I guess it'll be easier to not take “no” for an answer when I can't understand when they're saying "no".
We’ll just have to wait and see how this goes.
- Jack Asher
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