Let me share with you the most recent nonsense of my life.
Last weekend, Wifey and I headed down to Long Island to do some wedding stuff. We had the final meeting with the photographer, we finalized our menu, and she had another dress fitting. But the real reason that we drove down… To get our marriage license.
Let me rewind.
About two months ago, Wifey and I were down in Long Island to meet with the Justice of the Peace who will be marrying us. While we were sitting down with him, we discussed the ceremony, as well as what needs to be done to make this all legit. He told us that we would have to come down on a weekday no more than 60 days before the wedding, and bring two forms of ID to city hall, and we’d be able to get the license right then.
No problem. We drive down late on Thursday night, and take the next day off of work. After all, this is important. So, 9:00AM on Friday, we gather our documents (we each have our passports as well as our drivers license), and we head to city hall.
We find the right department and tell them merrily that we’re here to get our marriage license. The very first question that the clerk asks us: “Do you have your birth certificates”?
Apparently, in the great state of New York – a passport and drivers license does not qualify as proof of age. You either need an original or certified birth certificate, or Baptismal papers.
Slight problem here… I’m Jewish – so the Baptismal papers are out (too bad they didn't ask for circumcision papers - racists). And neither I, nor my parents have any idea where my Birth Certificate could be. I explain this to the clerk, and she reassures me:
“It’s really no problem, I can pull it up right here… you were born in NY, right?”
I was born in Los Angeles. F***.
The next several hours were a blur of Wifey freaking out, and conversations with the city hall of LOS ANGELES.
Long story short, we’re getting a certified copy of my birth certificate expedited to NY… that is, so long as they have my birth certificate on file. Then, assuming we receive it, we’ll have to get our marriage license the Friday before our wedding, and hope that nothing else goes wrong.
So, for those of you attending our wedding in 33 days… come, enjoy the food and the festivities, but don’t be surprised when we are NOT pronounced Man and Wifey.
- Jack Asher
LOL, I still can't believe that you're having the same marriage license fiasco that we did. Only I had to legally change my name about a month prior to the wedding - thank goodness for family connections to expedite that process (usually takes MONTHS to do)!! Ours too came right before the wedding haha. But really, it's not the end of the world if it's late. You have the ceremony and get married... and then your officiant and witnesses sign the paperwork afterwards. No biggie :) In our eyes, you're still Mr & Mrs!! Deep breaths and hugs to you both. Relaaaaax, it will all work out, I promise!