This summer, I’m going to try something that I’ve never tried before. I’m going to go to an outdoor farmers market. I guess there’s something like five different farmers markets that are open every weekend during the summer that are literally within a two mile radius of me – I’m actually baffled as to how I’ve never been to one of them before.
In any case, I figured that a farmers market would be a good way of ensuring that I get my ass out of my apartment on nice summer days, and it’ll also be nice to get some fresh ingredients that I don’t normally see at our local Whole Foods. But, like everything else in my life, there’s a catch.
Typically, I try not to go to any store unsupervised. I’m what I’d like to call a compulsive buyer. Some people say don’t go to the supermarket when you’re hungry, because you’ll end up buying more than you need. Well, that applies to me ALL THE TIME. I can be going to the drugstore to pick up a bottle of Aspirin. Chances are I’ll come back with 3-5 rolls of toilet paper, 2 magazines, an industrial size bag of Doritos, and an umbrella. Oh, and a hamster. But no bottle of Aspirin.
I went to a movie a few years ago with my mom, my sister, and Wifey. After we had all grabbed our seats, my mom asked me to go grab two sodas, and one medium popcorn for us all to share. I ended up coming back with 4 sodas, 3 large popcorns, and nachos. However, I feel like this wasn’t entirely my fault. The teenage girl at the counter convinced me that by slightly increasing the quantity, and the sizes of the items, that I would in fact be getting more bang for my buck. Since then, Wifey has been the one purchasing the popcorn.
So, here’s my concern... You put me in an open air market, I’m likely coming home with a boatload of perishable goods that I didn’t intend to buy, that will likely be of no use to us – even though it makes so much sense at the time.
What do you mean we don’t have any use for this bird feeder that also doubles as a cheese grater?!?! We use it 27 times and it practically pays for itself! And you tell me where you can find African Horned Melons that only cost $29.31 per pound – it’s a steal!
- Jack Asher