I don’t know what’s happened to me over these past 15 or so weeks, but I’ve become a biggest loser super fan – and I don’t just mean that I make sure that I’m on my couch every Tuesday evening ready to watch. What I’m talking about her is on a whole other plain. What I'm trying to say is, I’m emotionally invested in this season.
While my opinions on each of the participants vary widely, and I downright hate one of the trainers, I’m going to see this season to the end. Here are a few of my thoughts on the remaining contestants. (I’m leaving last week’s loser on here as well, because my sister hasn’t caught up yet, and I wouldn’t dare ruin it for her).

This girl just annoys me for some reason. Don’t get me wrong, I think her progress is incredible, and she clearly works hard every single week. Honestly, and I know how this sounds, I think I just don’t like her so much ‘cause she’s ugly. Not inside and out – just out. It’s also not at all because she’s big, after all, it is “The Biggest Loser” – she just doesn’t look right to me, and therefore, I don’t like her. Feel free to judge away.

Again, not my favorite. Same deal as with Ashley, this dude works hard every single week. But in his case – I just don’t think he has the drive to go all the way. And his curly hair looks stupid.

Koli’s my boy! Sam and Koli are by far the hardest working individuals in that house. They 200% deserve to win the whole thing based on their intensity alone. But I like Koli for other reasons as well. He’s just all around a good guy. Everyone in that house looks up to him, not only because of how hard he works – but because he’s just a sweetheart! I guarantee that every lady in that house – Allison included – has a bit of a crush on Koli.

I just said that Sam and Koli deserve to win based on how hard they work, and that’s totally true. However, Sam irritates the crap out of me. If this show was called “the biggest condescending loser” – it would have been over in week 6 with Sam as the champ. When they were all split up into two teams, and Sam was the only guy in his group… he made it clear to everyone that he felt that it was his role to be the leader. Now, I’m no newcomer to jokes at women’s expense – but come on dude! You’re on national television in 2010, you can’t be going on talking about the poor little girls needing someone to look up to. Yeah, we know that your cousin is a natural born leader – take a lesson from Jeb Bush, and just deal with it behind closed doors.

Not since the days of Carl and Laura Winslow have I been so attached to an African American family on TV. You throw anything at this guy and it’s like no big deal to him. What, you’re kneecaps are about to fall off? No problem, ill just work at my own pace. Fall down and crack your head open during a challenge – I’ll just walk it off. Throw in a death in the family… well they would have wanted me to continue on my journey anyway. The man is an effin HERO.

I don’t care what people say about Sunshine – she’s a saint! You put me in a room with my dad for longer than 3.5 minutes – someone’s going to be injured. This girl, on the other hand, has been living in close quarters with her dad, working out with him – and still, she’s the most supportive daughter he could ask for. Sunshine. Saint.

This dude just pisses me off sometimes. You never know if he’s actually going to have a hard workout or not. Really, it’s a 50/50 shot, which coincidentally is the ratio of laughs to silence he gets after telling one of his awful jokes. The dude was happy as can be when he (slowly) jogged a complete mile. Really? REALLY? Every other contestant in that show is running laps around you, and you’re grinning like you just completed the Ironman Triathlon.
Jillian the Trainer: You’re an F***ing trainer, not a licensed psychotherapist. ‘Nuff said.
Bob the Trainer: Indifferent
My prediction for this seasons winner: Sunshine.
Now excuse me while I go and fix me a bowl of ice cream – with extra cream.
Jack Asher