Several times a year, there are beer festivals held in Boston. My favorite of these festivals are called Beer Summit. Tomorrow evening, with the company of some of my close friends, I will be drinking all the beer that I can out 4oz cups for three to four hours. While beer summit is an appropriate name for this event – I think a more apropos name for this event would be the “Get blackout drunk and hope that someone returns me to Wifey at some point” event.
Here’s the issue with attending beer summit. It’s one big trick after another! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not whining about these things… This is simply a warning to those who have never been and don’t know what they’re in for.
When you enter into Beer Summit, they give you these tiny cups for the brewers (more than 50 of them) to fill you up as you go. Any grown man with even a small amount of self respect would take one look at those cups and snicker to himself, “There’s no way that I’m even getting a buzz tonight!” What no one realizes is that you fill up these little cups so frequently, that there’s no way to keep track of how much your actually consuming. I mean, I guess I could just tally the number of 4oz that drink, and then divide by three to tell me roughly how many beers I’ve consumed – but I’m no mathemagician on my good days, let alone my drunk days.
Then there’s the booze itself – like I said earlier, there’s expected to be over 50 different brewers serving the best of their brew for the duration of the event. We’re not talking light beers here. These beers consist of ridiculously high alcohol content. I’m not about to tell you what each beer’s alcohol content there is, but if I had to guess, I’d say the average would be around 6% or higher. If my memory serves me, I vaguely remember there being some alcohol there that is stronger than wine! Granted, my memory usually does not serve me after such an event.
Like I said, I’m not whining about any of this stuff. I think beer summit is just another tribute to the great city of Boston – where the beer flows like wine. I truly enjoy spending the time with my friends, the brewers, and the port-a-potties at this holiday-like event. So, wish me well on my journey to beer summit this weekend, oh fellow beer drinkers. With any luck, I’ll come in on Monday with an epic blog of drinking and such.

Oh, just a word to the wise: make pretzel necklaces. Yes, I realize that it’s kinda lame, and totally cheesy – but you’ll be thanking me when you get the drunchies (drunken-munchies) and instead of every other sucker in there paying $7 for a hot dog, you can just snack on some good ole’ fashion pretzel jewelry. Not to mention they’re great conversation starters.
- Jack Asher
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