Thursday, January 28, 2010

Petey Pancakes - The Boy Wonder

'Cloudy with a chance of hilarity' cannot in good consciousness go on any longer without the mention of one of my best friends.... let me introduce you to a man who will no doubt be a recurring visitor throughout the life of this blog - Let me present to you, Petey Pancakes - The boy wonder.

Petey is a special guy, and I don't mean the kind of special that requires a safety helmet while riding passenger in a car, I guess he’s just a different kind of funny. He doesn’t have to tell jokes for people to laugh, and when people do laugh, it’s always with him and never at him (even though people would often be well within their right to laugh at him). Here are a few stories to illustrate just what kind of a guy Petey is, and rest assured, more Petey Pancakes stories will be coming soon.

Air drummer extraordinaire

I have never before, and no doubt will never again, see anything like I saw one evening during my Junior year in college, getting ready to go out to the bars in Boston. As per usual, we four roommates, Petey Pancakes included, were throwing a few beers down the hatch in order to have a good buzz before we hit the bars (a futile attempt to spend a smaller amount of money while at the bars themselves).

While rocking out to a little Led Zeppelin, and getting ready for our nightly adventure, Petey gets really into the ‘pre-game’ and starts rocking out harder than I have ever seen… it was magical. Out of nowhere came the air drums. You can tell that Petey knew what he was doing -- air top-hat to air snare drum, and a whole lot of air base drum… this goes on for a good 5 minutes or so, and then, out of nowhere... BAMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!

In an acrobatic feat that I never even knew was possible, Petey was hitting that air base petal so hard, and with such force, he managed to knee himself in the face, hard. Sure, it hurt… but do you think that slowed Pancakes down at all? Absolutely not, Petey Pancakes is a trooper; After all, a night at the bars wouldn’t be complete without a bruised face for Mr. Pancakes.

The Mouse Hunter

For those of you who were lucky enough to hang out with the “108 Crew” during college, you know that although our apartment was where the fun was at, it wasn’t necessarily where the sanitation was at. We had what Id like to call a bit of a rodent problem; and by a bit of a rodent problem, I mean we had hundreds of mice taking over our apartment. You know it’s bad when the rodents infesting your home start getting pissed at you for blocking their view of the T.V.

We tried everything to get rid of these mice, we tried poison pellets, traps with cheese and/or peanut butter, and we even called in an exterminator at one point. All this, and no results. Apparently Pancakes had had enough. He went to the nearest Wal-Mart, and got some ‘supplies’, and when he came back he had an announcement to make. Apparently, Mouse hunting season was open.

He had purchased two pellet guns (a rifle and a handgun), a knife that was reminiscent of Rambo’s weapon of choice, and military fatigues. When asked why he needed camouflage to hunt mice, he simply said “I want to do this the right way”. I have to hand it to Petey, he was a crack shot. I’m confident that more mice met their demise through Petey Pancakes hands than through the traps we had set up for them. Of course, there were casualties… glassware was shattered, picture frames littered with bullets, and a couple of minor roommate injuries. No one ever said war was pretty.

Petey: 1 Mice: 0

Anger Management

We all have our faults. Petey Pancakes has several – but we still love him. Although we didn’t see it too often, Petey sometimes wasn’t his happy-go-lucky self. In fact, there were several arguments that took place throughout our four years of living together. We argued over the Gatorade bottles of pee (yes, you read that right) he left around our freshman dorm, even though the bathroom was directly across the hall from us; we argued about smoking in the apartment; we even argued over who would go out to get the pizza on occasion. The argument that I’m thinking about now however, wasn’t between Petey and I, it was between Petey and his ex-girlfriend. I wasn't even there that night, all I saw was the devastation that the great storm left behind.

My roommate and I came into the apartment late that night, Petey was all ready sleeping. As soon as we walked in, we noticed something that hadn’t been there before. Right in the middle of our hallway wall, there was a large hole in the drywall, and it was 'hidden' by a single piece of lined notebook paper that was taped over it. Of course we were somewhat upset – after all – we were going to lose part of our security deposit. In our frustration, we tore the piece of paper off the wall, and just went to sleep to deal with it another day.

Clearly, Petey knew that we were upset. I’ll never know if it was us tearing his piece of paper off the wall, or if it was his 6th, or even 7th sense that made him aware, but he definitely knew.

Now, while a normal person would go out, get some spackle and fix the hole, Petey, in his infinite wisdom knew that that wouldn’t quell our frustration with him. So he did what any good, caring roommate would do - he taped another piece of notebook paper to the wall to cover the hole. This piece of paper was different though… we saw the writing on the wall that day, and that writing said:

Sorry guys, I got mad


I’m not one to just forgive and forget- but how could that not melt even the most callused of hearts? Yes Petey Pancakes, we forgive you, and we XOXO you too.

Stay tuned for more Petey Pancakes stories, including, but not limited to:

Petey Pancakes, and the bachelor party debacle
Petey Pancakes, and the tuxedo fitting
Petey Pancakes, and the temple of doom

- Jack Asher

A very special thanks goes out to Petey Pancakes for this one. I appreciate you letting me write all of this stuff, and it only adds to your character that you're able to laugh at all of this stuff too.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2001: A Space Oddity???

No one can say that technology hasn't come a long way, even in the past decade alone. It seems like only yesterday when we still had maps in our cars, and businessmen had to walk the busy streets of Manhattan wheeling their cellular telephones on a hand truck. Hell, I still remember when the word "We" was used as a pronoun instead of an interactive gaming system.

While the video games get better and better, and our appliances get smaller and smaller, let's not forget that we had a good idea that we were heading in this direction. Oh yes, the signs were all around us, my friends....

What we expected: Rosie - The maid from The Jetsons

What we got: iRobot - vacuum cleaner

VERDICT: Job Well Done

Good job scientists... not only have you found a way to make a robot clean our house, but you had the foresight to make it incapable of talking back to it's owners! Even if these guys did put a voice to the iRobot, I'm sure they would have had the decency not to use Joan Rivers' voice for the damn thing. Back off Rosie! You're being replaced by a more compact, more respectful, maid.

What we expected: Alf - The lovable 80's Alien

What we got: A Puggle - a crossbreed of a Pug and a Beagle

Verdict: Keep Working On It

While breeders everywhere are trying to make a perfect puppy, they have missed the mark if they were indeed going for the "Alf" look (as they no doubt were going for). While this Puggle is on the right track, it's missing some of the defining features that make Alf, Alf. Get some sunglasses on this puppy, and perhaps a Hawaiian shirt, and we're well on our way.

What we expected: The Light Saber

What we got: The Laser Pointer

VERDICT: Sorry Nerds, Not Even Close

I mean, honestly... what did you expect? Granted we've seem some pretty wicked weapons being created since Star Wars came out, the light saber was not really a feasible idea, and quite honestly, I wouldn't think it'd even be that great in warfare. The light saber only has a reach of maybe, 5 feet at most... how often do you think our military engages in hand-to-hand combat these days?

For now, I guess you crazy kids will have to be content playing Chewbacca vs. Darth Vader in the backyard with sticks. May the force be with you, losers.

What we expected:

HAL - The murderous computer from "2001: A Space Odyssey"
Aria - The Killer computer system from "Eagle Eye"

What we got: TomTom - The murderous computer (GPS) of today.

VERDICT: You Did It!

I don't care what people say about TomTom, Garmin, or any of those other GPS systems... these things are evil incarnate! You tell me to turn left 20 feet before the turn, while I'm going 75mph on the highway? If that's not a computer trying to kill me, I don't know what is. Honestly, I'd like to see the Department of Transportation do a study on how often accidents are directly attributed to following the instructions of a GPS. Convenient you say? To you sir, I say deadly.

What we expected: Doctor Browns Time Machine in "Back To The Future"

What we got: A real DeLorean circa 1982

VERDICT: Geeks Everywhere, Rejoice!

OK, So this DeLorean can't fly, and can't take you to the past or future. So what!?! Strap a few pieces of cardboard to the trunk and use your little brothers slingshot as the flux capacitor, and you've got yourself a bonafide, doc-approved, time machine. But buyers beware... where you're going, you will most definitely need roads. - bring jumper cables just in case going 88 miles per hour turns out to be more difficult than planned.

So, in conclusion, yes - technology has changed dramatically since the 70's, the 80's and is still changing today. New inventions are popping up left and right these days, but are the inventions of today really so different than the dreams of yesterday? I submit to you that they are not. All we needed were a few good movies and T.V. shows to lead the way.

- Jack Asher

As a side note, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my sister Sara for being a fantastic proofreader, and for being there for me to bounce ideas off of. Thank you for all the help.

The JDate Hussy

I am not anti- JDate, or any dating website for that matter. I have many friends and family members who have used these sites with much success in the past. As a matter of fact, if I wasn’t lucky enough to find my future wife when I did, and was not dating anyone at this point – I have no doubt that I’d be on one of those websites faster than you can say “I’m not a stalker, please respond to this message…”

However, I do think that there is a line to be drawn as to how these websites should be used. I have a friend; I’ll call her Daisy, who is a JDate junkie. She goes onto the website daily (aside from the Sabbath, of course), exchanges messages with a few nice Jewish boys, and occasionally goes on dates with these men. So many dates, in fact, that she has at one point gone on two dates back to back, on the same night. Now let me just say, this girl is no tramp. It’s not as though she goes home with all (or even a few) of these guys that she goes out with. She has actually never gone out on second dates with any of them!

This leads to what I think is an interesting question…. What’s the deal?

Here are a few possible answers:

  • She likes the free meals; most money savvy individuals would recommend making more meals at home to save money - I guess they never thought of taking this route. Sure, women all over the globe have long since realized that they can get free drinks at the bars, but to extend this to every day dining... GENIUS!!!

  • She hasn't yet realized that she doesn't actually like Jewish boys; A Jewish man is a different creature; he is one that is often times attached to his mother, fights only as a last resort (and by fighting, I mean curling up in the fetal position, and hoping it ends quickly), and never tips excessively. Although irresistible to non-Jewish girls who are angry at their parents... these men certainly aren't for everyone.

  • She's simply a serial dater; often times the most obvious answer is the right answer. Some women are just picky. And hey - who am I to judge? Dating is fun, it's exciting to meet new people, and it opens up the possibility of meeting someone you truly connect with.

While I’m certainly no expert on the matter, I do have one piece of advice I’d like to impart for my dear friend Daisy… break out the Manischewitz while the night’s young, and who knows…. Maybe you’ll wake up to your Jewish Gem making you some blintzes in bed.

Happy Hunting!

- Jack Asher

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Writers block on the first blog... this doesn't bode well

I'm sure you're all thinking right now... "Is Jack really clever enough to start a blog?", or "I thought our friend/son/brother was illiterate", and finally " Why on Earth would Jack want to start a blog?".

To all of this I say: Yes, You're a jerk, And to prove once and for all that the Shy's are not the only creative talent in this family.

The truth is, I've never considered starting a blog until approximately 10 minutes ago when one of my sisters mentioned that she gets a laugh every once in a while out of my emails. Sure, I've thought about other ways of showing the world my God-given talent for making people laugh, but none of them ever seemed as attainable as this blog. There was once a thought of writing short fictional stories - but that takes too much preparation, and would not allow me to spew out my rants at will. Of course, the thought of trying my hand at stand-up comedy crossed my mind on more than one occassion, but those of you who know me no doubt know that I'm much wittier when I have time to write things out than I am in person. Oh, and the idea was also shot down by another one of my sisters. In short, a blog is the perfect venue for me to share my off-color thoughts and remarks.

While it would be presumptuous of me to assume that all of you are actually interested in what I have to say... I am absolutely assuming that you will read this on a regular basis, afterall, I'm only sending the link to immediate family to start out with. So, my future avid readers... let me explain what you can expect from this blog:

1. A lot of random thoughts. This isn't a sports blog, it's not a family blog, it's not even a blog about puppies, even though I do love me some puppies. This is a chance for me to share my random thoughts, which I hope are more funny than they are tragic, with the people I care about... and some other people too.

2. Refer to #1

I hope that you all enjoy the posts to come, and that you give me feedback continually so I can improve as I go.

- Jack Asher