SeaWorld announced today that they refuse to release Tillikum, the killer whale, into the wild. They also announced that they will not be putting Tillikum down.
Good news for Tillikum, Bad news for Tillikums new trainer.
- Jack Asher
I have never been a fan of anime, or Japanimation, as I prefer to call it. I don’t like the comics, or the movies, and I on most occasions, the idea of assembling a cardboard arsenal just doesn’t motivate me.
No, I’m not a fan of Anime at all. I am, however, a huge fan of being the center of attention.
Now - these people must really be pretty socially awkward, right? From what I’ve seen of these convention goers (and admittedly, I’ve only seen a handful), they’re not exactly the same group of social butterfly’s that fill the bars and other venues that I frequent.
This is a huge opportunity for me. The way I figure, I can either be the small fish in the big pond that is normalcy, OR, I can be the huge fish in the small pond that is the anime convention. Me being the outgoing guy that I am, well, I’m sure I can round me up some friends in no time!
The decision has been made. This April, I’m going to purchase me a fluorescent colored wig, don a faux-leather coat, and glue me on a nice furry tail. And then I’m going to strut myself to that convention, and I’m not coming out of that place until I’m the most popular Pokémon look-a-like that the anime community has ever seen! All I want to know is… who’s coming with me!?!
Stay tuned for what is bound to be some AWESOME pictures.
- Jack Asher
Now, here's the twist...
Now you have gone and done it. I'm not mad at you, weather.com, I'm just disappointed in you.
- Jack Asher
- Jack Asher, with a little help from Whitney Houston
"Hey dude - Whatcha think about those top notes on that Bud Light, huh?
Yeah - you can definitely tell that they're using the new Bavarian
This is as natural of a grooming technique as I can think of. After all, we have been shaving our faces since we first saw the peach fuzz appear. But with this small comfort, comes a new dilemma. Sure, shaving’s easy, but unlike the hairs on our chinny-chin-chins, the hair on our chest, shoulders, and back, do not have the same properties. Sure, if we shave in the morning, we get the inevitable 3 o’clock shadow… but these shadows do not come in more coarse or thick than they did in the morning.
I don’t get it, it’s as if our body hair is some kind of mythological beast – you cut one, and three stronger one’s sprout up in their place.
Even if it wasn’t for this strange physiological property of body hair, there’s still another issue with shaving. Our arms were just not meant to stretch to those hard-to-reach areas. Which means that if you women want us to be groomed using shaving as the primary method… you better be willing to get your hands dirty.