Of course, this is not the first time that the topic of childhood obesity has been brought up in recent years. With the NFL’s “play 60’ – which urges people to give children at least 60 minutes of play time per day – there’s absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind that this issue needs to be addressed.
While some of the tactics being suggested in Washington are impressive, I believe that there are additional methods in which to urge America’s youth to stray away from McDonalds, and embrace a healthier lifestyle. This new presidential initiative is calling for $10 Billion to be spent over 10 years, starting in 2011. But let’s face the facts… 10 years is a long time, if you want little Timmy to be the next contestant on ‘The Biggest Loser’, by all means, take 10 years to make a difference. Here are a few ideas to make the difference today.

A Modern Day Popeye
I don’t know about any of you, but Popeye was a staple of my childhood. In fact, I have a vivid memory of asking my mom to make spinach at every meal, so that I could have muscles like Popeye. If there was a popular TV show, portraying healthy foods as being cool – our job as adults would be cut in half.
As a side note, perhaps this new TV show should not have the main character smoking a pipe all day long – might send mix messages.

The truffle shuffle
There’s no better deterrent than public humiliation. Back in the day, people would be held in stocks when they were caught in their misdemeanors. Not only did this punish the criminals, but it acted as a warning to those who might have considered a life of sin.
Now, I’m not suggesting that our heavier kids be locked up – that would just be unethical – no, what I’m suggesting is that those kids that we deem unhealthy should be asked to do a public performance of the truffle shuffle, perhaps on a weekly basis. If this doesn’t make the kids want to get healthier, than I don’t know what will. Moreover, this will not only act as deterrent for other kids who may be at risk, but be a little reward for those who are able to stay fit. Cause really, who doesn’t like watching the truffle shuffle?

Recess Boot Camp
Recess was a fun time for me when I was a youngin’. My friends and I would often times be seeing playing tag, kickball, or just running around in youthful merriment.
The problem with recess is that it is up to the individual to decide whether or not he or she would like to participate in the activity of the day. While some of the fit kids might go around running and playing, there was no guarantee that the fatty of the class wouldn’t be just sitting there eating his cheetos.
I say we take a page out of the military’s book. You know what you’re looking at when you see the army doing their drills? You’re looking at consistency – everyone doing the same thing in the same manner. You know what you don’t see much of? Fat kids.
The old Carrot on the Stick Trick
OK, to be honest… there is no part of me that says this would actually work. But hey, it’d be fun to see, right?
While some people might look at some of my solutions and think that I’m just being mean, my hope is that the majority will realize that I’m doing this because, well… I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
- Jack Asher, with a little help from Whitney Houston
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