Normally, Tuesdays are my least favorite day of the week. Monday is bearable because you have some catching up to do, so it goes by pretty quickly. Wednesday's the middle of the week, so you can always be happy that the work week is halfway over, and Thursday and Friday you can always just clump together as 'the end of the week'. But Tuesdays? They're awful.
But not today.
No siree, I am nothing but smiles today, because not one, but BOTH of the annoying, middle aged women who sit directly behind me at work are not in today. While I'm not sure that this will lead to increased productivity (I'm guessing no), or the day going bye faster, I can't help but revel in the fact that I won't have to listen to their voices, which can only be compared to cheese graters doing their worse on my brain.
There will be no talk about how smart one of their two year old boys are. Listen, I get that you're a proud parent, but a kid being able to say "I make mess" isn't exactly on par with Einstein's theory of relativity. I'll put any of my nieces or nephews up against this wonder-child any day of the week, we'll see how smart he is then.
And then of course, I'll be missing out on the talk about how "our compensation plans aren't fair" or how this guy is getting more money than I am and he's doing less work? You know what? I'm not making as much money as I'd like either. It'd be great if I could walk in and demand a 6 figure salary, but it's just not in the cards now, is it? Quit you're bitchin' and get back to work.
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