Friday, May 14, 2010

Footloose Part 2: My problems are solved.

So there I was just days ago worrying about my lack of dancing skills due to my upcoming reception to follow our nuptuals. And then I stumble upon this... All my problems are solved, and not just the dancing problems either. I mean, obviously I'm going to take a page out of this guys book and rip it up on the dance floor, but it's more than that. This video just makes everything in life that much better. I feel as though my food tastes better, that the sun shines brighter.

For those of you coming to the wedding, you know where to find me. I'll be on the dance flo', just walkin' it out.

On a side note, anyone know where I can find a belt like this guy has?

Thanks to barstoolsports for bringing this to the masses.

- Jack Asher


  1. I am so glad that you can now add video to your is indeed a good good day :)
